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French Press Brewers. Bougie or The Best Way?

To some, a French Press is bougie. But truth be told, the French Press makes the best cup of coffee.  This brewing method is genuinely one of the easiest ways to make coffee. The coffee is submerged in hot water for the entire brewing time, resulting in a full-bodied cup of coffee. It offers more punch than a pour-over. Finally, using a metal filter helps extract some of the bean’s natural oils, creating an umami-packed delicious cup of coffee.

TIP>>>>>  The French Press is quite forgiving when it comes to grind size, so don’t worry too heavily about it. Aim for somewhere the size of breadcrumbs. Once the coffee is brewed, plunge slowly. Sometimes small coffee grounds will be mixed into the coffee, which some people like! If you want to avoid it, plunge slowly and pour into your cup slowly.



Pour a little hot water into your French press. This will heat the brewer so that the coffee does not drop too much in temperature while brewing. Swirl it around and then pour it out. 


Place a little over 1oz (13g)  of coarsely ground beans into the French Press. The grind is very coarse because the beans will be soaked in the water longer. Too fine a grind will extract bitterness.


Prepare your timer for 4 minutes. Pour 3oz (100ml) of hot water into the French Press. Try to pour in circles so that the water hits all the beans. Wait 1 minute.


After 1 minute, use a spoon and mix gently. This agitation will help all the beans soak in the water and extract flavor.


After stirring, immediately pour another 3oz (100ml) of water into the French press. There should now be 6oz (200ml) water in the French Press. Wait for 3 minutes.


While waiting, place the lid on top of the press. Do no pushdown. This will help keep the coffee warm and not drop in temperature.


After a total of 4 minutes, slowly plunge. Only push some of the way to the bottom (around 95%). Otherwise, too much of the finer grinds will be in your cup of coffee.


After plunging, slowly pour into your cup. You will notice a darker color than a hand drip and some of the beans’ oil on the surface.


Try some of our beans and discover your favorite coffee.

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